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Vanessa Cobb is the Montgomery Central High School Director of Bands. Prior to Montgomery Central, she had been teaching at Houston County High School and Middle School where she was the Director of Bands. Mrs. Cobb has previously taught in CMCSS where under her direction, bands received superior ratings at the MTSBOA Concert Festival and performed at the TMEA State Concert Festival. During her time at Northwest High School, she was the conductor of the concert band and marching band, as well as the pep band. She also taught guitar and dual enrollment music appreciation through the University of Tennessee at Martin. Under her direction, the Northwest band program had the distinct honor of being the sweepstakes winner of the Southern Star Music Festival in March of 2017, in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2017, Mrs. Cobb was the recipient of the Tennessee Education Association's New Distinguished Educator for grades 9 - 12.
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