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Hello! Welcome to Biology. I am excited to be here and teaching at MCHS -- my alma mater. I look forward to a great year with you all.
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National Honor Society Application 

This link will be removed on Friday, October 2nd.


  1. Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn every day. Always make a valiant effort to be on time for class. If you are tardy, I will hold you after class for one minute and make note of it, and after three tardies, you will be given an office referral. Always do what you are asked when you are asked. Come to class with an open mind and ready to learn.
  2. Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students, and yourself. Always be respectful to others. Additionally, be respectful to others’ belongings.
  3. Be responsible for your own learning. Take responsibility as a student and complete your own work on time. Always keep a positive attitude about learning—you will learn more that way.
  4. Clean up after yourself and your peers. Do not leave a mess in the classroom; clean up after yourself and your group.
  5. Keep all personal electronics put away. Simply put, keep your phone, tablet, etc. away. If caught with any of these devices, they will be confiscated and given to an administrator with a written referral.
*Additionally, be sure to follow all Montgomery Central High School and Clarksville-Montgomery County School System rules and policies set forth in the code of conduct.

Classroom Books