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Hola! Soy Sra Senft! I've been teaching at MCHS since 2016 and I've been teaching since 1992. I love the Spanish language and culture and am always excited to share that love with my students. We're looking forward to yet another great year at MCHS! Go Indians!
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Please make sure your students have the following items for class:

  1. 1" - 1 1/2" 3-ring binder
  2. 5-6 divider tabs
  3. Loose-leaf paper
  4. Blue or black pen
  5. pencils - continue to supply all year
  6. a colored pen for in-class grading (students will check their own work)
  7. school-issued computer
  8. ear buds, head phones, etc

SR WOOLY ASSIGNMENT Nuggets 4-19 Due Thurs 9/26!!!


  1. Listen with the intent to understand.
  2. Support Language flow.
  3. Talk one at a time.
  4. Actively engage in classroom activities.
  5. Always be respectful of the teacher and of your classmates.
  6. Be polite.
  7. Be kind.
  8. No food or drink (clear bottles of water are ok)

Classroom Books